Monday, February 6, 2012

Catch me I'm about to swoon!

I got intrigued by the QAL that is happening on Flickr for the Swoon quilt pattern.  My New Years Resolution was to try more complicated piecing.  The Swoon kit on Fat Quarter shop was made up with Ruby.  I had it in my cart for the longest time and then it went on clearance and I debated some more.  I finally decided to get it and they were sold out.  I called and asked if they found anymore kits in the back, I'd like one.  Sure enough, they found me one.

The first change I made was to swap out the background.  The kit came with Kona white and instead I bought 4.5 yards of Bella Steel.  I like the way bright fabrics pop against a dark background and mostly white quilts make me nervous.

Here are my first two blocks.

I found a picture on the flickr group that was done with 4 fabrics instead of two and I liked the way it shows off the piecing better.  After all, if you are going to go to all this trouble, you should really show off your work.  I figured out that I could build all the base components and if I delayed sewing them together I could swap them around to get the look of the block in the flickr group without having to tax my brain trying to keep things straight.

So here are the blocks with the corners swapped.
Now I'm not sure which I like better.  I would mix the components around among the 9 blocks, so there won't be any 2 blocks with the same 4 fabrics.  Thoughts?


  1. Ooh, I like them both, but I'm really drawn to that second picture, with the swapped components.

  2. I'm so biased....I just love this fabric that anyway you construct you cannot go wrong but I'm totally on board with the 4 fabrics per block. I love the visual dynamic it creates when you swap out the corner pieces. Swoon on!! Can't wait to see this thing in person!!
