Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Non-Traditional Materials

This is not anything I did, but my mom sent me this video and it is crazy.  I'm assuming everyone who stumbles across this blog is into textiles, so here is one for the record book.  This is a short video (that takes forever to load) about a pair of designers who made a garment out of gold orb spider silk.  The color is amazing and totally natural.  So open up the video and go make yourself a cup of tea and come back and watch it.  The women who do the embroidery are the really stars.

Simon Peers and Nicholas Godley discuss Golden Spider Silk from Victoria and Albert Museum on Vimeo.


  1. W O W Thank you for sharing! That is gorgeous! Weird. Love the black and white photos in the video : ) Wow. Completely hand made / spider made.


  2. ew! It looks horid on a skinny woman with her hair all over it, plastered with make up too! oh why did they do THAT?!
