Sunday, May 29, 2011

Marshmallow Brochette QAL

I'm doing another QAL.  This one looked like a fun little project.  It's called Marshmallow Brochette.  I've been wanting to do a grey and yellow quilt.  I just started cutting the other night on a whim.  Then I read through the second set of instructions and realized the blogger was doing yellow and grey for the QAL too.
I can't wait for the next set of instructions.
This brings up a question if anyone is reading.  How do you cut fabric if you only need a little bit, say a charm square?  I sort of hate cutting a 5 inch wide strip WOF to get one 5 inch square.  However, I find that if I try to just cut a corner out then I end up cutting a little too far and I've got that nasty little cross hatch cut to deal with the next time.  Since I like to do improvisational quilting I assume that I'll use the 5 inch width at some point and 5 inch is a fairly standard width for piecing, being twice 2.5.

So how do you cut fabric if you only want a little piece?